
Arangetram is the beginning or debut. We are starting a forum for you folks to come up with articles of your areas of interest. It can be anything. It can be a last road trip you had, a meal you cooked this weekend, a restaurant you visited over the weekend, it can be a movie you watched, four lines you scribbled.... anything you think you want to share with the team which is entertaining or informative.

On a bigger picture, this is a forum for you to improve your communication skills. Do not think what to write and how to write. Just start writing what you feel. You don’t have to be techie to update the blog. All I need is you guys pick up a blank word document type what you want to share during your lean hours and share the word document with me in an email attachment. Please feel free to WhatsApp me in case if you have some to pics to share which are related to that article.

I will take care of your article’s layout, look and feel and get that published. Once the blog is updated and published, the link would be shared with the team and we all can go through it and share our thoughts about it. 

This is just the beginning of a forum where we all can learn together.

The only caveat we have is we are not publishing any profane stuff which includes nicotine and alcohol in it. 


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ಹರಿಪ್ರಸಾದ್ ಅವರಿಂದ ಒಂದು ಚುಟುಕು ಕವನ..... !!!!!